Hip Preservation Clinic

The CU Hip Clinic team is in constant pursuit of growth, leading the field by developing new surgical techniques, devices & perfecting protocols.

Patients of CU Hip Clinic receive the highest standard of care in state-of-the-art facilities. Research-backed innovative techniques are employed to achieve the best possible patient outcomes. The surgical community also benefits from the myriad of publications and devices produced by the team, and can directly apply the learnings to their own patient care.

Surgical Techniques

In addition to surgical prowess, Dr. Mei-Dan has expanded the field of orthopedic medicine via inventing novel techniques and devices. This includes the development of revolutionary hip arthroscopy distractor without a perineal post as well as cannula and bone graft devices developed in house.

Arthroscopic Anterior Capsular Reconstruction of the Hip for Recurrent Instability

Eversion-Inversion Labral Repair and Reconstruction Technique for Optimal Suction Seal

Skin closure after arthroscopy utilizing a pull-out bow-tie subcuticular suture

Inside Out: A Novel Labral Repair and Advancement Technique

A Novel Technique for Ligamentum Teres Reconstruction With “All-Suture” Anchors in the Medial Acetabular Wall

Arthroscopic Hip Labral Reconstruction and Augmentation Using Knotless Anchors

Arthroscopic Bone Grafting of Deep Acetabular Cysts Using a Curved Delivery Device

All-Arthroscopic Ligamentum Teres Reconstruction With Graft Fixation at the Femoral Head-Neck Junction

The Role of Hip Arthroscopy in Investigating and Managing the Painful Hip Resurfacing Arthroplasty​

Phoenix Micro Fracture Technique

Bone Graft Femoral Head

Osteitis Pubis Case Discussion

Adductor Tenotomy as a Treatment for Groin Pain in Professional Soccer Players

Post Free Hip Arthroscopy

The Hip Preservation Fellowship

The comprehensive Complete University of Colorado Hip Preservation Fellowship is located in Boulder. The Fellowship is directly trained in a true apprenticeship model by Dr. Omer Mei-Dan, and spans either six or twelve months depending on prior experience and anticipated future practice.


After painstakingly developing new techniques and validating with methodical research, the team is keen to share relevant findings with the scientific and surgical communities. Presentation topics range from research on bilateral simultaneous hip arthroscopy for hip impingement to hamstring tears and supporting surgical techniques.

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